1. 出發 Departure
2. 美語超人 English Superman
3. 出國前的準備 Getting Ready To Travel Overseas
3.1 辦理美國簽證 Applying for a U.S. visa
3.2 購買機票 Purchasing Plane Tickets
3.3 預訂房間 Making Hotel Reservations
4. 爸爸的叮嚀 Dad's reminder
4.1 電器用品規格 Specifications for Electronic Devices
4.2 天氣狀況及時差 Weather Conditions and Time Differences
5. 在國外使用電話的方法 Using a Telephone Abroad
6. 聰明打包行李 Packing Wisely
7. 辦理出境手續 Airport: Departure Procedures
7.1 排除機場大廳旅客問題 Solving Passengers' Problems in Airport Lobby
7.2 不可以隨身的物品 Prohibited Carry-On Items
8. 機場廣播 Airport announcement
1. 登機後詢問座位在哪? Where Are the Seats?
2. 起飛前機艙內常見的一些小狀況 In-flight Trouble Before Take Off
3. 椅背扶正 Placing Seats in the Upright Position
4. 機艙廣播(飛機起飛前) On-board Announcement (Before Takeoff)
5. 機艙廣播(飛行中) On-board Announcement (During Flight)
6. 請空服員更換一副新的耳機 Asking the Flight Attendant for a New Headset
7. 想喝咖啡和其他飲料 Asking for Coffee and other drinks
8. 飛機上請勿喧嘩(爆音耳機) Please do not make noises in the cabin (Sonic Boom Headset)
9. 尿急的老伯伯 An Elderly Who Needs to Use the Lavatory
10. 機艙廣播(餐點服務)On-Board Announcement(Serving The Meal)
11. 愉快的用餐時間 Happy Meal Time
12. 免稅商品販售時間 In-flight Duty Free Shop Hours
13. 飛行遇到烏雲 Airplane encounters Ash Clouds
14. 機艙廣播(飛機即將降落及跑道滑行) On-Board Announcement (Before Landing and Taxiing Along the Runway
15. 入境手續 Immigration Procedures
16. 打電話給父母報平安 Calling Parents to Notify Safe Arrival in the U.S.
17. 兌換外幣 Foreign Currency Exchange
18. 機場服務 Airpost Service
1. 完成check in手續 Check-in
2. 決定房間種類 Choosing Room Type
3. 更改訂房事宜 Change of Reservation
4. 巧遇自助旅行的 Kevin Meeting Kevin, the independent traveler
5. 晨喚服務 Morning Call
6. 詢問早餐時間 Inquire About Breakfast Hour
7. 回房整理行李 Unpacking
8. 抱怨飯店問題 Complaining about the Hotel's problems
9. 租用飯店保險箱(1) Renting a Safety Deposit Box(1)
10. 兌換旅行支票 Cashing Traveler's Cheques
11. 租用飯店保險箱(2) Renting a Safety Deposit Box(2)
12. 協助別人如何看懂菜單 Teaching Someone How to Read the Food Menu
13. 在飯店撥打電話 Calling Out from the Hotel
14. 洗衣服務 Laundry Service
15. 解答退房疑問 Getting Answers on Check-out Questions
16. Kevin不告而別 Kevin Left Without Notice
17. 追蹤Kevin下落 Tracking Kevin's Whereabouts
18. 詢問Kevin去向 Asking Where Kevin Went
1. 餐廳預約 Making Restaurant Reservation
2. 詢問當地特殊風味餐 Inquiring About Local Specialties
3. 當季餐點 Seasonal food
4. 詢問座位問題 Inquiring about Seating
5. 請帶我們到我們的桌位 Please Show Us to Our Table.
6. 可以為您點餐了嗎?May I Take Your Order?
7. 招牌菜 House Specialty
8. 餐前酒和餐後酒 Aperitif and Digestif
9. 牛排幾分熟 How Do You Like Your Steak?
10. 沙拉醬 Salad Dressing
11. 服務生送上餐點及發現少了餐具 Missing tableware when meals are served
12. 餐桌禮儀及愉快的用餐時光 Table Manners and a Good Meal Time
13. 打包外帶 Please Wrap it to go
14. 送錯餐點 Bringing the Wrong Meal
15. 催餐點和餐點有問題 Rushing the Order and There's a Problem with the Meal
16. 發現關於Kevin行蹤的線索 Tracking Kevin's whereabouts.
17. 結帳 Paying the Bill
18. 需加收10%服務費 There's a 10% Service Charge
19. 拿餐廳名片 Getting the Restaurant's Business Card
20. 美式速食餐廳 American Fast Food Restaurant
21. 我口很渴及更改餐點 I'm very thirsty and would like to change my order
22. 外帶得來速 Order Takeout from the Drive-Thru
1. 租車中心
1.1 協助租車 Assisting in Car Rental
1.2 找省油車 Renting a Fuel-efficient Car
1.3 還車事宜 Returning the Car
2. 計程車
2.1 看計費表 Looking at the Fare Chart
2.2 開箱費用 Trunk Fee
2.3 搭計程車 Taking a Taxi
2.4 目的地到了沒?Are We There Yet?
2.5 到達目的地 Arrived at the Destination.
3. 公車
3.1 終於找到Kevin Finally We Found Kevin!
3.2 幫忙詢問如何搭公車 Helping to Inquire on How to Take the Bus
3.3 提供公車路線圖給大學生 Giving Route Map to a College Student
3.4 發現忘了帶數位相機 Forgot to bring the Digital Camera
3.5 公車轉乘卡 Bus Transfer Ticket
3.6 臨時搭公車回飯店 Returning to the Hotel by Bus on Last-Minute Decision Decision
4. 火車
4.1 購買火車票 Buying the Train Ticket
4.2 火車站大廳 The Train Station Lobby
4.3 背包客與團體票 Discount tickets for Backpack Travelers and Group Tickets
4.4 補發車票 Reissuing the Ticket
4.5 到第3月台怎麼走 How to Get to Platform Number Three?
4.6 退火車票 Refunding Train Ticket
4.7 打電話訂外送美味披薩 Order Pizza Delivery over the Phone
5. 地鐵
5.1 有朋自遠方來 A friend came to visit from Afar
5.2 買地鐵票 Buying the Subway Ticket
5.3 地鐵路線圖 Subway Route Map
5.4 詢問地鐵班次 Inquiring About the Train Schedules
1. 國王廣場 King Plaza
2. 淑女服飾的樓層 Ladies Wear
3. 風景明信片 Picture Postcards
4. 媽媽的禮物 Gift for Mom
5. 衣服質料 Clothing Material
6. 衣服標籤 Clothing labels
7. 更衣室/ 試穿衣服 Fitting room / Trying Clothes
8. 買新鞋 Buying New Shoes
9. 鞋油和噴霧 Shoe Polish and Spray
10. 量腳尺寸 Measuring foot size
11. 買美容用品和化妝品 Buying Beauty Products and Cosmetics
12. 詢問保養品 Asking About Beauty Care Products
13. 挑選口紅和護唇膏 Choosing Lipstick and Lip Balm
14. 購買香水 Purchasing the Perfum
15. 購買手錶及討價還價 Purchasing a Watch and Bargaining
16. 百貨公司特價活動及暢貨中心 Department Store sales event and Factory Outlet
17. 退換瑕疵品 Exchanging Defective Product
1. 接下來要去哪兒呢?(旅遊諮詢中心) Where to Go the Next? (Tourist Information Center)
2. 遇到單車自助旅行客 Encountering a Traveling Biker
3. 詢問巴士觀光導覽服務 Inquiring About Guided Bus Tours
4. 博物館 & 買票入館 Museum & Buying Admission Tickets
5. 展覽簡介 Exhibition Guide
6. 營業時間及博物館導覽手冊 Museum Guide Book and Operating Hours
7. 拍紀念照 Taking Pictures
8. 詢問紀念品區在哪裡?Inquiring Where the Souvenir Shop is?
9. 博物館簡介 Introduction to the Museum
10. 您介意幫我拍個照嗎? Would You Mind Take My Picture For Me?
11. 全家福 Family Picture
12. 拼圖、鑰匙圈、馬克杯及複製畫 Jigsaw Puzzles, Key Chain, Mugs and duplicates
13. 休閒活動 Leisure Activity
14. 我想要去看現場美國職業棒球比賽 I'd Like to Watch a Professional Baseball Game Live
15. 夏令營 Summer Camp
16. 情侶吵架 A Fight Between a Couple
17. 美容院 The Beauty Salon
18. 髮型問題 Questions About Hair Style
19. 髮型設計師 Hair Designer
1. 飯店大廳服務生通知百貨公司專櫃小姐Carina來電 Lobby porter relays a message left by Carina, a sales person at the department store
2. 打電話給百貨公司專櫃小姐Carina Calling Carina, the sales woman at the Department Store
3. 專櫃小姐Carina回電 Carina returns the call.
4. 接到警官的來電和Kevin的留言 Phone Call from the Police and Message from Kevin
5. 加拿大的Andrew叔叔要來訪 Uncle Andrew Is Visiting from Canada
6. 請接線生協助打電話給Andrew叔叔 Asking the operator to help with calling uncle Andrew
7. 在十八街逛街 Window Shopping on Eighteenth Street
8. 打公共電話給Kevin Using the Public Phone to Call Kevin
9. 在熱狗攤排隊買熱狗 Lining Up to Buy Hot Dogs at a Hot Dog Stand
10. 相約一起到郵局寄送物品 Going to the Post Office Together to Send Parcels
11. 選購紀念商品與明信片 Buying Commemorative Items and Postcards
12. 再次寄送包裹 Sending Parcels Again
13. 在郵局協助Peter先生 Assisting Peter in the Post Office
1. 迷路的旅程 Getting Lost
2. QUEST 失物招領處 QUEST Lost and Found
3. 替Andrew接機及等候行李 Picking Up Andrew at the Airport and Waiting for the Baggage
4. 替Andrew申報行李遺失 Reporting Misplaced Luggage for Andrew
5. 遭遇扒手偷走護照 Passport Got Pickpocketed
6. 製作筆錄與打電話詢問如何補發護照 Giving Statement and Inquiring About Reissuing the Passport
7. Kevin生病了 Kevin is Getting Sick
8. 送Kevin到醫院,替Kevin及旅客掛號 Taking Kevin to the Hospital and Registering for him
8.1 生病症狀(發燒、咳嗽、全身酸痛) Symptom Of Illness (Feverish, Coughing, Full body aches)
8.2 生病症狀(流鼻水、頭痛) Symptom of Illness (Runny Nose and Headache)
8.3 生病症狀(胃不舒服) Symptom Of Illness (Upset Stomach)
8.4 生病症狀(肚子痛) Symptom of illness (Stomachache)
8.5 小心蟲蟲 Lookout For Bugs
8.6 水對人類的生命真的很重要 Water Is Very Important To Human Life
9. Kevin就診後聽醫生說明病情及領藥 Listening to the Doctor and Getting Prescription Drugs
1. 班機確認(一)-閒聊確認班機事項 Flight Reconfirmation 1 – Chatting About Flight Reconfirmation
2. 班機確認(二)-打電話確認機位 Flight Reconfirmation 2 – Calling to reconfirm the flights
3. 班機更改,多玩一天 Changing Flight, One More Day Abroad
4. 飯店結帳離開 Hotel Check-out
5. 地球航空公司服務大廳 At the Globe Airlines terminal
6. 確認班機時間 Confirming Departure and Arrival Time
7. 天下無不散的筵席 Auld Lang Syne